In case you missed it, Saoirse Ronan was on BBC on Graham Norton the other week with fellow actors Denzel Washington, Eddie Redmayne and Paul Mescal.
Redmayne said he was taught to use a phone as a weapon while training for his role as an assassin in The Day of the Jackal. At which point all the men chortled at how funny that was.
But not Ronan.
Once she managed to get a word in edgeways (she had to try twice) she pointed out that women have to think about such things all the time. Cue silence. Then a quick change of subject.
The clip has gone viral. Because, of course, Saoirse Ronan was right. First, it’s sensible for anyone – not just women – to be aware of their safety. Second, because anything can be of use to defend yourself, if needed.
Weapons to hand
Keys are favourite for many. Particularly when close to home, having your keys ready gives you an extra weapon – literally on hand.
But not just keys, handbags, umbrellas, sunglasses, rucksacks, even hats and gloves can be used to distract and gain time. Sometimes it’s all that is needed is to make it clear that you’re no pushover. In my experience (and OK, I’m a man, but a short man) staying calm and focused has been enough to make attackers decide to look elsewhere.
The best part of the body for self-defence
Look, I’m not saying you can learn to defend yourself through reading a blog and waving your possessions around. You can’t beat a good martial arts class.
What I am saying is that the best part of your body for self-defence is your brain.
Being aware – of your surroundings to start with. Using your eyes and ears (don’t get me started on people who walk around with their eyes on their phones or their ears blocked up with ear-buds!). Being aware of possible trouble and moving away from it. Being aware of everything that’s at your disposal for keeping safe.
Awareness is one of the most important skills we teach in martial arts.
And it’s something you can improve at any time.
Stay safe.