Free Introductory Class

We offer a free session in which you will see how Aikido works, hear something of its history and philosophy and get a feel of the techniques. You will also learn moves and exercises you can take away and use immediately.
Contact Charles Harris on (020) 7435 1330 or click here to find out the dates of our next introductory session.
Aikido costs: Concessionary Rate
To help with Aikido costs, we also offer concessions to students, people on low wages or unemployed – and staff of many organisations, including the NHS, local authorities and John Lewis Partnership. If you’d like your organisation to be included, contact us.
Albert Gross Bursary
We have a small number of bursaries available for those who need help in coming regularly to practice. For more details go here, phone (020) 7435 1330 or send us an email. All mat fees also include £1 per session donation towards a travel bursary for students who need help attending Aikido courses outside London. We try never to turn anyone away for financial reasons.
Beginners Payment Options
Members Practice Payment Options
Annual membership

Annual membership for a mere £52, includes membership of Aikido for Daily Life (ADL) a member of the British Aikido Board, and insurance. Concessions £38.
For full insurance details click here and information about ADL please click click here
Payment can be made either through the links provided above or at the dojo.