The dojo is now open again for training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I hope you had a good break.
We also have an exciting raft of events coming up for this year. Keep checking in to our events page for updates and new events to be added.
Events – 2020
Saturday 22nd – 23rd February 2020
Przemek Gawronski Sensei, 5th Dan Aikikai seminar
Prezmek Gawronski Sensei, 5th Dan Aikikai from Aiki Tanren Dojo, Warsaw returns to teach a weekend of Aikido at Rusper Aikido Club
Rusper, West Sussex
Sunday 24th May 2020 from 1pm
AKA Summer Party – all members welcome. Email for details.
Hampstead, North London
26-28 June 2020
Seminar with Mary Heiny – 7th Dan
Mary Heiny Sensei has been studying aikido for over 50 years and is in huge demand in the USA and no wonder given her aikido heritage. This is an incredible opportunity for you to learn about the roots of aikido from someone who having watched the founder determined that Aikido would be her life. She stayed on in Japan for some years learning from most of his leading students, before returning to the USA, to share what she had learned.
Burwell, near Cambridge.
18-20 September 2020
Come and join us in a festival of aikido, where we will explore the principles of aikido in workshops with over 20 teachers, coming from the many countries, representing different aikido lineages. The collective knowledge is simply vast and it is a unique opportunity to explore the big picture .
Burwell, near Cambridge.
31 October – 1 November 2020
A great opportunity for the ADL members to train and socialise together under a variety of different teachers from different clubs and styles.
Rusper, West Sussex